Postcode delivery UK

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Still hoping you can tell me if your add-On will work for the florist's website I am designing:

They deliver to 3 of their local postcodes. If delivery is to anywhere outside these postcodes then the order is refused and the user is advised to go to the shop's Interflora website. There also needs to be a "Collect in Person" option.

Can your add-on implement all of the above?

Many thanks

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Vern!

Sorry for not coming back to you any earlier, I think this might have been left unnoticed in our mailbox (or it might also be that we didn't get the notification in the first place).

Yes, I think your use case is possible with this add-on. You can use the default region as the "Store pickup" option and adjust its price to £0.

Please also note that in case there is only a single shipping method available to the customers (i.e. the store pickup if no matching regions are found), the shipping method selection is bypassed and the only available option (Store pickup) is automatically selected for the customer.

Best regards,
Antti Hukkanen
Mainio Tech Ltd.

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