Periodic payments

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Im using your securepay addon and works great. I would like to setup periodic payments with Securepay so I can have recurring payments either monthly or yearly for each client. Securepay said I can either do it manually by going into admin area and manually adding a new payer or adding this code to your securepay addon. Please see page 17 on attachment. im not sure which file to add this... please help.

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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply

recurring payments are generally much more complex than one-off payments, due to things like credit cards expiring, needing to cancel them, receipts, etc, so I'd be hesitant to suggest that it could be easily added to this setup with just a modification of the SecurePay add-on.

I can have a further look into this in case there is an easy flag we can add to the form, but I couldn't find any reference to periodic payments in what you attached (I know that document well!). Did you mean to attach a different document?
johnkidd replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for getting back to me!

Securepay said all I need is to add this somewhere....
eps_storetype = payor
eps_store = true

Then I can simply login into securepay and set up my periodic payments in the "manage payor list".

Is this possible? I am more than happy to pay you for it.
johnkidd replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry to bother you again. I simpy went into securepays dashboard and I worked out how to manually setup reacurring payments for each client :-)
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
So you're all good then from here?
johnkidd replied on at Permalink Reply
yep all good thanks!

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