wish list

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I have a website with a finished catalog structure. Now I want the visitor to be able to add products to a wish list - cart with a different name - and send them by email at the end, no account, no prices, no checkout. Is this possible with this AddOn?
Thank you very much.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

I don't believe that's something that is supported by Snipcart, I've never seen a wishlist feature (and a quick search confirms that).

I also can't think of an existing marketplace add-on that would do this kind of thing.

I'm assuming by catalog structure, you have the products as individual pages across your site? And I'm getting the impression you're not actually interested in pulling sales through your site, it's only just a catelog?

We do have an existing add-on (not in the marketplace) that allows you to 'favourite' a page on a site (using a simple block added to each page), and then view of what you've favourited on a block elsewhere. That could potentially be expanded to have an option to email it to yourself. That was set up for logged in users only though, it might have to be adjusted to handle guests as well.

Feel free to email me through to ryan@mesuva.co.uk if that sounds like the kind of thing you need, happy to discuss.

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Modena Theme (2.2.0)

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