won't download

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An error occurred while downloading the package.

Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Perhaps there's a temporary problem with the Concrete marketplace, as that error sounds like it's an issue with downloading the add-on, rather than installing or using it.

I would suggest upgrading your site to the latest version of V8 though, version 8.5.9, before continuing. Not having the latest V8 version installed _might_ be related to the problem.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there, have you resolved this issue?
tenmilehigh replied on at Permalink Reply
Portland labs said they won't help
I did find a link to download snipcart in the logs.
I downloaded and installed snipcart and snipcart memberships using that link OK.

Where is the documentation on memberships???
There is no mention of memberships herehttp://docs.snipcart.com/v3/

Am I to presume correctly that the code mentioned herehttps://docs.snipcart.com/v3/setup/installation...
is done for me when I complete
here ../dashboard/extend/install/inspect_package/12
and here ../dashboard/snipcart/membership???

I'm in test mode
Add to cart works
all the my cart steps work

except for the last step when placing order I get
"We have not been able to validate your order. Looks like some product prices might have changed since you added them to the cart. Please review your order and try again."

what's up with that???

I am not finding where this needs to be placed???

"To enable membership creation add the following as a webhook URL within Snipcart's administration:"
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Good to hear you've been able to download and install the add-ons.

- The memberships bit isn't part of Snipcart as such, it's all about membership within Concrete. The main bit of doco about memberships is here:

- What it does is allow you to automatically create Concrete members, giving them certain user groups, when they purchase particular products. It's up to you how you want to set up your site, with protected areas, etc. So make sure you are familiar with Concrete's ability to assigned permissions to pages, create user groups, etc. I'll stress that it's not recurring memberships. But in Concrete you can set user groups to automatically remove members after a period of time.

- When you install the add-on, it installs all the scripts required to get Snipcart to work, and the fact that you've got it adding to the cart, etc, that means you're almost there.

- The error message though, is likely because when you place an order, Snipcart checks back to your site to make sure that someone hasn't changed the product prices on the way through. If you are developing locally, or on a server that is password protected, Snipcart can't get to your site to do that check - so for a transaction to fully go through it needs to be on a publicly visible site.

- In terms of the webhook, I've attached where in Snipcart's dashboard that config page is.
tenmilehigh replied on at Permalink Reply
My site is public
but still get message
"We have not been able to validate your order. Looks like some product prices might have changed since you added them to the cart. Please review your order and try again."

here is my site

Another question
Looking herehttps://docs.snipcart.com/v3/webhooks/order-events#order-completed...

I don't see the username and password assigned by snipcart memberships.in the json
How would I obtain these data???

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
One thing to check, have you completed step 3 from the doco here?

I've attached a screenshot in snipcart where you'd put your full domain.

With the username and password, those aren't allocated from Snipcart, so you won't see them in the webhook at all. The webhook triggers Concrete to generate a new user account (or update an existing one), and it's at that point it generates and sends an email to the customer with their password. You're not going to be able to see the password in that process, as it would immediately be hashed in the database.
tenmilehigh replied on at Permalink Reply
The order went to completion OK

I guess all I can do about the username password is mysql it from the concrete5 cms database?

The hashed password is OK because my down stream programs, android and phpBB, use the same hashing algorithm

thanks for your help
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, I'm glad it wasn't something more serious.

Actually, there is a way to see the newly created password.
The 'Concrete' way to approach this would be to hook into the system event, 'on_user_add', which _will_ at that point have the password in plain text available. That event should be fired when the new user is created within the add-on. That would require you writing some code, but it's fairly well documented athttps://documentation.concretecms.org/developers/framework/applicati...

Failing that, yes, you could probably fetch the username/email and hashed password from the database directly. That feels a bit messy though.
tenmilehigh replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the input
I will let you know how it turns out
Bye for now

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