Additional user images

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I have an additional user image, aside from the avatar, that I need to display. I added the attribute and uploaded a picture to it, but it only displays the link. I assume there is some js I need to add somewhere to get it to display the image?

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Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply

> I have an additional user image, aside from the avatar, that I need
> to display. I added the attribute and uploaded a picture to it, but
> it only displays the link. I assume there is some js I need to add
> somewhere to get it to display the image?

Yeah, C5 only knows that it's a file, so it can't assume it's an image and simply output an <img> element. Thus, you are correct that you must manipulate the DOM via JS to insert the image. If you let me know what the attribute handle is and point me to the member list page, I'll see if I can help.

BTW, will all of those images have the same dimensions when uploaded? If users will be uploading them, you might want to consider that they may not optimize them for the web, and that could severely impact the loading of the list. You might want to do some server-side scaling or something.

Do you want to constrain the display width or height to a certain value?

FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
The admin will be uploading the image(s), so no worries about size. I have the avatar upload size increased to 300x300, so I would think the additional image can be the same size.

The page is and the attribute handle is user_image.

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