Styling the info window

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Hi I am trying to style the info window, I have two main issues...

I need to remove the large rounded corners.
I seem to have a huge white space beneath the text that i can seem to remove (please see attached, blue background is just to show where the infowindow class is.

I can't seem to work out what the parent div to the infowindow is...? any help would be greatly appreciated.


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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

The infowindow is generated by javascript.
There could be a little tweaking necessary to change this...
The code is a little bit messy..

Open in de models directory the google_map file.
Go to line 1060. Somewhere around that line the info window is generated.


BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Ta Corretje

But i still can't see how to affect the padding etc.. of the parent to the info window? or the rounded corners?

Thanks Ben
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

The rounded corners are e Google thingy....
It's not so easy to change...

Check this page:



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