Facebook Feed Images

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It appears you may have answered this in the previous post but I want to clarify.

Does your Facebook Feed Add-On embed into your website everything you post—including pictures, as well as feedback, comments, replies, etc, as you would see on a normal Facebook Feed?

We built a website;http://cashforclothesomaha.com and while we're not ready for an eCommerce site would like to pull our Facebook Feed into our website so prospective customers can see our Marketplace through our website.

If this doe not do that, how much would it cost to program something that would so we could link our OfferUp.com account within our site?

If you prefer you can let me know and I will email you direct.

Thank you.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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cash4clothes replied on at Permalink Reply
When I posted: We built a website;http://cashforclothesomaha.com and while we're not ready for an eCommerce site would like to pull our Facebook Feed into our website so prospective customers can see our Marketplace through our website.

I want to be able to interact with the store just like they were clicking on the link.
cash4clothes replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's Facebook Marketplace Feed I want:


Got this embed code on Facebook:

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.facebook.com%2Fmarketplace%2F106957619336323%2Fsearch%3Fquery%3Dcash%2520for%2520clothes&width=750&show_text=true&appId=1561659267489262&height=202" width="750" height="202" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

but when I post it I get this:

This Facebook post is no longer available. It may have been removed or the privacy settings of the post may have changed.

This is the OfferUp client store:

Lemonbrain replied on at Permalink Reply
If i get you right you want some plugin to display either the facebook marketplace or your offerup account directly on your site, so that visitors to your site could interact with it as if they were on the respective site directly or at least see your offers that you placed there.

I'm afraid to tell you, that the Facebook Feed Plugin only displays posts made by you, no responses or what so ever and does not support facebook marketplace.
The development of a customized plugin for offerup or facebook marketplace would, as a rough estimate, cost 1000$ and up. If your interested we could make you an offer but we are full up for the next two month anyway.

I'm sorry i could not provide a simple solution to your problem.

cash4clothes replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for getting back. you understand correctly.

I will keep you in mind as I research this path. What you have won't work for us at this time but may have interest in developing something with you if we come up empty.

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