How can I modify the css to reverse the layout and have the ui-tabs on the left?

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Can someone direct me on which css class/code to edit so that I can have the ui tabs display to the left of the main image instead of how it is now? Basically just need to reverse the layout.
thanks :)

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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are editing the light version, look in the view.css file (located at c5mix_featured_content_slider/blocks/page_list/templates/featured_content_slider_light/view.css) for .c5mix-featured-slider-light ul.ui-tabs-nav and change the left property to 0. Then, look for .c5mix-featured-slider-light .ui-tabs-panel and change position:relative to position:absolute and add right:5px to it. You'll also have to flip the left padding on .c5mix-featured-slider-light ul.ui-tabs-nav li to the right and modify the selected-item.png image.
shames replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm trying the same thing, but not having much luck. What should the padding be in order to get it to flip right? Don't have much experience with CSS, so any help would be appreciated.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Just follow the steps above. The padding property on .c5mix-featured-slider-light ul.ui-tabs-nav li should be changed to this: 0 13px 0 0. Also, you'll probably need to clear your site's cache after making the changes.
emblitz replied on at Permalink Reply
Amazing, thank you. That did the trick, my client will be happy :)
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
You're welcome!

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