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First off, I like this add-on, I have no complaints at all!

Just a suggestion:
Often, it would be very useful to get the information in which folder a file resides. Especially if we have a lot of folders (and nested folders), it's necessary to from time to time to reorganize files inside the folder structure. But not only in this case it would be great to know where a certain file actually lives.

What would you think about extending the first list of this add-on by an additional sortable column named "folder"? If a file exists in no folder, the name of the folder could be "Root" or similar.

Thank you,

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,

I took a look and found two ordering bugs in 1.0.2, so I fixed those.

Regarding your question:

> But not only in this case it would be great to know where a certain file actually lives

You'd easily search the file name via the File Manager, right? I don't think I understand exactly what kind of information you're trying to get and what you can't get via the File Manager.
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply

"... You'd easily search the file name via the File Manager, right?..."

Thanks for your quick reply! Yes, of course i can search a file name via the File Manager and then right-click "properties" and look for the folder where this file is located.

But my suggestion was solely related to the File Report add-on. What's the intended practical use of it - one would use it to easily find files of a certain size (the biggest files for example), or find image files of a certain dimension, or files with a certain amount of downloads etc. - and in each of these cases it might be useful to know instantly, in which folder these files live, if there were a column, that would show the related folder for each file.

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PHP 7.2

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