What parameters to pass when adding block programmatically?

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Hi - this is looking good and I'm trying to add a block programmatically. It's fine except I can't see what parameters to pass to set the view and edit permissions. Can you please correct the following;

$block = BlockType::getByHandle('file_tree');
$data = array(
                                  'title' => 'File explorer for '.$userName, //works fine
                                  'readrights' => '6', //no
                                  'editrights' => '1' //no
$Page->addBlock($block, 'Block Area name', $data);

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
ConcreteConversion replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, sorry for the late response! Those fields should be a comma-separated string with group IDs, maybe you're specifying user IDs instead?

Best regards
seniorb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks; I am getting the group ID from the Groups table, the gID column. so 1 is Guest, for example, and 2 is Registered Users. Then in the call I have these in a comma delimited list; I just wonder if I have the handles wrong? I am calling like;
'title' => 'File explorer for '.$userName,
                                  'readrights' => '2,3',
                                  'editrights' => '3,9'

I've also tried
'read_rights' => '2,3',
 'edit_rights' => '3,9'

but still no joy. I could live with it allowing guest access, if that's feasible?

ConcreteConversion replied on at Permalink Reply
Took me some digging, but finally found the right keys: "read" and "write" respectively. That should work. :)
seniorb replied on at Permalink Reply
Many thanks. Apologies for the delay in replying.

These work great but I've had to make a slight change to the controller code in the file_tree block.

For anyone trying to do the same, at the moment it's imploding the array but with the block call from php it's already a string.

So the code change at lines 245 and on to the next comment in the packages file_tree blocks file_tree controller file was;
// Transform the read/write permissions to a string for inserting
// in the block table.
if(!isset($args['read'])) $args['read'] = array();      
if(!isset($args['write'])) $args['write'] = array();
if (is_array($args['read']))
   $args['readrights'] = implode(',', $args['read']);
   $args['readrights'] =$args['read'];
if (is_array($args['write']))
   $args['editrights'] = implode(',', $args['write']);

Then call with the following code whenever you want to add the File Tree block;

$block = BlockType::getByHandle('file_tree');
//set block data 
$data = array(
    'title' => 'File explorer for someone',//set the title
    'read' => '2',  //set which group(s) can read the block contents - get the numbers from the Groups table in your database
    'write' => '3,6,8,9' //set which group(s) can write the block contents - get the numbers from the Groups table in your database
$newBlock=$newPage->addBlock($block, 'Main', $data); //add the block to the area labelled "Main"
$newBlock->setCustomTemplate("my_template"); //use the template you've developed

Thanks again for your help.

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