
FontSmart allows you to quickly add new default fonts to your Concrete5 website. Font Stacks you define here will be available from within the in context editor, as well as within the block design panel. FontSmart allows you to add both traditional font stacks, as well as Google Web Font enabled font stacks.


Simply Cut and Paste your font stacks into the "Custom Font Stack" text box. FontSmart will automatically determine if your stacks primary (first) font is a standard web font, or Google font. All of the appropriate javascript code will be inserted into your pages automatically if the page being rendered includes a google font.


The fastest way to incorporate Google web fonts into your Concrete5 website is to simply copy the CSS Google generates for you into the "Custom Font Stack" box. This code might look something like this:


font-family: 'Condiment', cursive;


FontSmart will automatically format the rule for use as a font stack.


If the Google Web Font you have chosed has any related Variants, or Subsets, click the font Action button and choose the "Options" selection. This give you access to any of the available variants or subsets for that font. While unticked, the "Regular", and "latin" variant and subset are the default load.


Tag Assignments

FontSmart Tag Assignments let you assign normal and Google Web fonts to any valid CSS selector. Examples include regular HTML tags like p for paragraph, or h1 for Heading 1. CSS tags should all include their leading periods .class-name and pound signs #id-tag. All fonts assigned to tags will automatically be loaded on every page of your website. Because these styles will be appilied to your header with the style tag, these selections will take precedence over rules with equal specificity in your other css files.