Cannot edit results when a file is attached to the form.

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Hi there.

We are running into an odd issue that seriously impacts Formidable's usability for our group.

We have built a form for our users to record new contracts with vendors. In the form, we record the service ID and attach the contract file. Our users will also record a purchase order number, but they may not always have the number when filling out this form. As a result, our process is that once the user has the purchase order number, they would go to the Results page, find the relevant entry, and edit it so they can add the purchase order number.

However, we have discovered during testing that if a file is attached to an entry, we can no longer save further changes to that entry. The issue is the Submit button. It changes instead to the "Please Wait" button with the loader.gif next to it. It never changes back to Submit. What's more, if the user encounters this error, and then goes back to the page where the form has been added and refreshes the page, the form then loads the submission the user was trying to edit, along with the stuck "Please Wait" button.

Please see the attached images for reference.

I didn't see any reports in the logs or see any errors in Developer Tools to suggest what might be causing the error. The only way around this seems to be either deleting the existing file and re-adding it (leading to multiple copies of the same file in our File Manager), or adding a second file. We need to be able to edit existing entries that have files attached without having to use this workaround, please.


2 Attachments

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
View Replies:
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for the late reply.
Could you send me a login? And mabe FTP-login details?
I can't seem to reproduce....

Please send them to


campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Corretje.

Our system is behind a firewall and contains proprietary and sensitive information. Unfortunately, I can't provide you access. Are there troubleshooting steps or information gathering steps I should take to provide you more context and data?
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmmm... That's a shame...
Could you send me a copy of the database tables? All tables that start with "Formidable..." will be fine.

Send them to


campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, Corretje.

I've sent you an email with the tables in question. Please let me know if you don't receive it or if there is anything else you need from me to help diagnose this issue.

ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
Just re-opening the ticket and seeing if you've gained any insight into what might be the cause of this issue.

DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John,

Thank you for reopening. I've your data still here.
I'll try to see what is happening and update as soon as possible.


DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Just updated the addon! There is a fix.
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi, Corretje.

I downloaded and installed the latest version of Formidable (2.0.6), and that does seem to have fixed the issue with the button. However, it has introduced a new issue.

When I edit an entry in the Results table, the edit interface continually pushes me to the top of the window. So if I scroll down to modify an entry near the bottom of the form, the window jumps back to the top of the form. I've cleared my cache, but the issue still occurs in every browser I've tried (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). I've attached an .mp4 file to demonstrate the issue.

DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

I think I found a solution. Could you test it for me?
Could you try to add the following to the /packages/formidable_full/js/formidable.js
Go to line: 764:
var step_animate = function () {
if (!options.animate_step) {

var step_animate = function () {
if ($('div[data-step]').length <= 0) return true;
if (!options.animate_step) {

Then clear your cache and see what happens!
Let me know.
campbell replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like that worked. Thank you so much for the quick reply!
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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