Can't delete row or column

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As I am new to forms and this add-on in particular, I have been experimenting with how to have a heading above radio buttons, instead of beside. I have been doing it by having a column with a content field, then another row with a column with the radio buttons. This creates a large gap between the heading and the buttons. So I tried to put the heading in a column, then the radio buttons in a column underneath that, but got the same distance.

Now, I am unable to delete any columns or rows that I created while experimenting, either in Chrome or Safari. I have attached a screen capture which shows the 3 sections of radio buttons under "Have you ever been employed here before" - I only want one!

Any help on why these rows/columns won't delete? I have been deleting some before this point. Also, any tips on how I can put the headings and the buttons closer together?

Thanks so much.

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Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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kesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
I have solved this problem. (I wasn't directly clicking on the entry itself rather than the column or row.)

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