Columns not showing

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I am trying to create 4 columns with a heading on each column, and text fields underneath. When I select 4 columns, one of the columns gets left off and it will only show 3 columns. Am I missing something? Can you control the width of the columns? It says you can put 5 columns in there, so I am confused. I don't have much experience working with forms.

I have included a screenshot of my layout, and how it looks in preview. I have also included a file showing the type of form I am trying to emulate (the education and certification fields).

Thank you for any help you can give!

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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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kesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
We are trying to make some progress on this issue. I did get the columns to work, but can't control how wide the text boxes are, or figure out why they are flush right instead of flush left. Could you please provide some information on how to manage the width of the columns, or point me toward a source who can? I have attached 2 more screen shots showing the issues.

Thank you.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

This is all pure CSS.
Check other templates or change the css.


kesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your reply. We have attempted to change the css, but as there are myriad css files we haven't been able to find the correct one. I have attached screen captures showing our progress. The first screen captures shows how the columns appear in Chrome 43.0.2357.132 and Safari 5.1.10; the next screen capture shows how it appears in Firefox 39.0. Two different appearances. Although they both work, it is disconcerting that we don't know which browser we should be working in and that it will appear different in different browsers. Can you address this issue?

We would like to know what css we should be looking at to fix the space between the columns (make it wider), and in which section to look to fix the asterisk issue.

Thank you so much for your assistance.
kesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Here are the screen captures for the last question.
kesslerdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your reply. We have attempted to change the css, but as there are myriad css files we haven't been able to find the correct one. I have attached screen captures showing our progress. The first screen captures shows how the columns appear in Chrome 43.0.2357.132 and Safari 5.1.10; the next screen capture shows how it appears in Firefox 39.0. Two different appearances. Although they both work, it is disconcerting that we don't know which browser we should be working in and that it will appear different in different browsers. Can you address this issue?

We would like to know what css we should be looking at to fix the space between the columns (make it wider), and in which section to look to fix the asterisk issue.

Thank you so much for your assistance.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Every browsers has it's own Interpretation, so selectboxes may be different in differnet browsers. There is nothing you can do about it. You should consider a framework for your website something like bootstrap or another...

You should start with some basics like remove all paddings, margins and widths. That could help a lot.



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