File upload not showing

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Im having problem with the button for file upload not showing. It won't load. But if i enable preview of the form, review the data and hit the "back" button, the "Add files" button loads.

Any ideas?


Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for the late reply....

I guess there is something going wrong with the javascript. I have an update ready that fixes some javascript. Maybe this will solve your issue to. Please update to 2.0.12 when available.


webchris replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Corretje,
thank you, i'll wait for the 2.0.12 release and give it a try.

webchris replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Corretje,
im still having issues with the "Add files" button not showing when using file upload.

I have tried both chrome 39 and firefox 33.1 and both won't display the button on the initial load. But if i put the form in review-mode and hit the back-button the "Add files" appears.

The javascript console don't display any errors so there isn't any clear directions where to begin. I'll do some digging, and would love to know if there is a possibility to use a more simple single upload to avoid any errors.

oh, I found another issue with the ajax upload. The first file upload don't send a 200 OK request back so the form is stuck in a wait loop. If the first files is removed and re-uploaded a correct response is sent back.

webchris replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I think i found the problem, it was a double init. I have attached a patch-file.


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