Odd error on Email tab

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Hello again,
I just went in to create another form. All that was good, but now when I go to the form's email tab and select "Create New Email" I get 9 errors showing, all the same:
Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset 63502 in /var/www/vhosts/ehc.edu/httpdocs/live/updates/concrete5.6.2.1_updater/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/urlify.php on line 208

Screenshot attached.
It could be something w/ this particular form. It's pretty big. I check forms I'd already made and went to their email tab and clicked to create a new email and don't get this error. I've attached a screenshot of the form layout for reference.
Any ideas?

1 Attachment

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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PatrickHenry replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Screenshot of Form's layout for reference.
PatrickHenry replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like a PICNIC (Problem in Chair, Not in Computer).
An editor was trying to make the form, her first go at doing so. She's made PDF forms and such, so no noob to forms and the agony thereof, but new to web forms. A good test subject for you so here's the story.
After reviewing her layout well, she was using the Headline, HR, and Paragraph options—not realizing the familiar WYSIWIG is there for all of that. She only read HTML……, she was blind to HTML (WYSIWYG). I coached her good on the finer details of HTML, so she did those things there easily, even opening up the HTML editor directly to correct some WYSIWIG crap code.
After that, it all cleared up. Everything working.
Just wanted to let you know that in case you want to consider a UX name change there, or a possible bug w/ the Headline, <hr />, and Paragraph blocks she was originally using.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for clearing up.
Any suggestion to what name I should change it? Not sure what the best name is.


PatrickHenry replied on at Permalink Reply
I think maybe sticking w/ the nomenclature of c5 would work best, since that's what editors are used to dealing with. So maybe just changing it to "Content Block (WYSIWIG)" would do the trick. Totally understand your reasoning, just sucks dealing w/ people who scan. But that's mainly what they'll do, so I think that name change would clear it up.
Hope this helps!
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you, seems a really good change...
I'm going to remove the "Block" part though. People might thing they are truly are adding a block.

Thanks again!

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# PHP Version

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