How easy is it to access your code to customise the form design and layout?

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Hi There,

I am looking to buy formify for my concrete5 website.

Before I buy I have a question.

How easy is it to access you code to customise the form design and layout. Also I would like to be able to add extra code so I can integrate with GoTo Meeting and our CRM

Many thanks


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Status: In Progress
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PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not the developer but formify is quite customisable. You can add your own css to field types. The formify form block allows you to bypass formify's own inbuilt css so you can use your own. In terms of viewing records on the front end you have full access to listing and detail templates to make your own customisation.

In terms of integrations currently formify has integrations with mailchimp, paypal and stripe. The mailchimp api integration would I imagine serve as a model for integrating goto meeting and your crm api.

JackVanson replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay great thank you.

Do you know if i can Programmatically add the view block into a dashboard page? I want to create my own dashboard that will list out all event registrations.

I will also need to add come custom PHP code add info to a hidden field. Will I have access to the code for each form so I can add this PHP code in?

Are the forms create as block custom templates?


PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply

I am not sure about adding a block to a dashboard page though I cannot see any reason why you could not add a single page type there to do that. However, with formify you can use the view block to display a list of all your events on a page displaying whatever ever level of information you want to extract from your form records via a listing template. That page could be made availble to any logged in user via page permissions.

There is a hidden field type within formify, this can be added to any form. See this post

You last question "Are the forms create as block custom templates?" did not make sense to me. Formify uses custom listing templates to display a list of records and custom detail templates to display whatever level of detail you chose to extract from the form records. You can also , of course, create your own custom template for the form block as with any other c5 block.
JackVanson replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry I what I mean by templates, are block custom templates. Are the form that you add to a page a block? Can you give that block a custom block template?

So I can create a form in formify but customise it with my own template. Style wise and extra PHP code.

jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can use custom block templates. Of course there are a few constraints with regard to the inner workings of Formify, but you should mostly be able to do what you want.

If you want to change the output of a field, you'd be looking at modifying files inside of packages/formify/elements/field_types
jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
In terms of integrations...I wouldn't say it's incredibly easy, but it is built with the intention to be able to modify and extend, so it's certainly possible. Take a look at the formify/src/Integration directory to get your started. There are integrations for Mailchimp, Paypal, and Stripe in there that could give you some direction.

In terms of adding a Formify View to a dashboard page, here's how I would do it: In the dashboard page's controller add something like this:

use Concrete\Package\Formify\Src\FormifyForm;
public function view() {
    $f = FormifyForm::get('my-form-handle');
    $rs = $f->getRecordSet();
    $records = $rs->getRecords();

Then, within the dashboard single page view, you can loop over $records with a foreach to access record data, as in:

foreach($records as $r) {
    echo $r->getAnswerValue('some-field-handle');

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