How easy is it to extend your code ?

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I looks like your addon could fit at least part of my needs. The idea would be to build on your base and then add myself code to handle what I need rather than doing it from scratch and losing days reinventing the wheel. Here is what I need to do :

1 - visitor fills a contact form. I have extra hidden fields that hold information injected from Javascript or server side (page attributes / cookie value / URL parameters mainly). I guess that should not be too hard if your addon doesn't already do that.
2 - a notification is sent with email coming from url parameter - I think your addon does this out of the box already.
3 - that's the tricky part. I would like to use the record view to track how the contact are handled - so that would mean adding some columns (comments, status, who is handling them) and adding some filtering (by status, by handler). Is your code clean and commented enough that I could make this kind of extension ?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: New
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