Trouble with Importing or improper Use

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Hi there,

I purchased your addon today thinking that it would fit the bill. We have built a new website for an upscale community here in Naples. There will be 2-3 administrators that want to be able to send emails to the residents of this community rather than mailings. I have three different csv files. 1 master list 2 a portion that are villas 3 single family homes. I created these three groups. I just re-read your instructions stating the csv has to have three columns and the requirements of them. When I try to upload, I keep getting errors.

I guess my biggest question is will your addon work for this particular need? That is, an adminstrator logs into the site, creates the email, chooses the group (for example master list) and sends to that group of residents. I may have the groups incorrect or because I have used the same password for each resident. None of them will login or subscribe to this email. The emails will just be sent to that particular group.

So will your addon do this? Any advice, suggestions or directions would be greatly appreciated. I am a bit confused about the password column as well.

BIG thanks

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Status: New
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