Templeting / Exporting Forms

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Does anybody know if there is a way that I can template a form I have created so that I can transfer it to another site? I have a client that I put a demo site together for and created a form using Forms With PayPal and I would like to transfer that same form over to his actual website.


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phatworks replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 doesn't provide any easy way to transfer created blocks between sites. While it would probably be easier to recreate the form from scratch, you should be able to do this:

1. Export the DATA from the following MySQL tables from the source (old) database: btFormWithPaypalPayment and btFormWithPaypalPaymentQuestions

You can export (download) this from phpMyAdmin. Make sure you export only the data, not the structure, of the tables.

Also export the row from the Blocks table that has the same bID as the block (form) you want to transfer. If it is the most recent block you created, this will be the last row in the Blocks table.

2. Transfer the license for the add-on to the target (new) site. Or buy another copy to use on the new site.

3. Import the data, you earlier exported, into the target database.

I haven't tried this myself, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Good luck!
JRick replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey thanks for getting back to me. I think I will probably just recreate it since my client just bumped up the timeline on me this morning. I may play around with your suggestion later and will let you know if I got it to work or not.

Thanks again.

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