Swap the 'flexslider-icon' icon font?

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Hi There - Wondering if it is at all possible to swap the icons or modify the icon fonts for the slideshow arrows? I'd like to use different icons that what you've got included with the package.

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emirii replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes! The easiest way is to do this via font, since that's what it is already. You can also make it an image if you are very comfortable with CSS.

Find C5 Install:
packages/gallery_e_s/assets/css.php - open in your favorite editor

Lines 673-682 are dealing with the URL to the font you want. Make sure its a webfont format (can convert with fontsquirrel if it isnt)
@font-face {
                  font-family: \'flexslider-icon\';
                  src:url(\'' .  BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/' . DIRNAME_PACKAGES . '/gallery_e_s/blocks/gallery_e_s_view/fonts/flexslider-icon.eot\');
                  src:url(\'' .  BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/' . DIRNAME_PACKAGES . '/gallery_e_s/blocks/gallery_e_s_view/fonts/flexslider-icon.eot?#iefix\') format(\'embedded-opentype\'),
                     url(\'' .  BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/' . DIRNAME_PACKAGES . '/gallery_e_s/blocks/gallery_e_s_view/fonts/flexslider-icon.woff\') format(\'woff\'),
                     url(\'' .  BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/' . DIRNAME_PACKAGES . '/gallery_e_s/blocks/gallery_e_s_view/fonts/flexslider-icon.ttf\') format(\'truetype\'),
                     url(\'' .  BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/' . DIRNAME_PACKAGES . '/gallery_e_s/blocks/gallery_e_s_view/fonts/flexslider-icon.svg#flexslider-icon\') format(\'svg\');
                  font-weight: normal;
                  font-style: normal;

Then on line 709 is the start of the next/prev nav button style. If you want an image you will have to edit the :before attributes to match your image. If you use the font you will just need to tell it to use your font and what letter to use (the content property)

Line 718 & 719 replace with your font name and your letter number. be sure to keep the \'\ \' characters I don't think it'l work without it.
.flex-direction-nav a:before  { font-family: "flexslider-icon"; font-size: 40px; line-height: 40px; display: inline-block; content: \'\f001\'; }
 .flex-direction-nav a.flex-next:before  { content: \'\f002\'; }

Let me know if you need further help.

If you like GalleryES I would love if you left a review after we work out a solution! Thank you!
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks - I'll give it a try.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
GalleryES (2.0.2).

# concrete5 Overrides
blocks/page_list, blocks/testimonial, blocks/topic_list, languages/da_DK, languages/de_DE, languages/el_GR, languages/fi_FI, languages/fr_FR, languages/it_IT, languages/ja_JP, languages/nl_NL, languages/ru_RU, languages/sl_SI, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR, themes/lanstonehomes

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