How to install and use add-on


To use this plugin please install GroupDocs.Annotation for Java stand alone version which you can find here - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java

Also please check here how to install and use this library.

After that you can install GroupDocs.Annotation for Java plugin for Concrete5 CMS.

Plugin installation

1. UnZIP the file and upload the whole "groupdocs_Annotation_Java" directory, in "" to the /packages folder in your concrete5 setup on your webserver.

2. Go to Admin panel, then "Dashboard", find "Add Functionality" and you would be able to see your plugin in the list of "Awaiting Installation", press "Install".


    if you get - "Fatal error: Block::getInstance()" error, try to Clear and Disable Caching.


Plugin configuration

1. Login as the 'Administrator' to your Concrete5 project

2. On the page where you want integrate GroupDocs Annotation - turn editing 'On'

3. Add GroupDocs Annotation for Java plugin block

4. You will see a pop-up window with a form

plugin settings


5. Fill required fields

6. Click "Add" button



Please note: to use this add-on without restrictions, you need to have a license for the GroupDocs.Annotation for Java library. If you don't have one, please contact sales for a free 30-day fully-functional trial. Installation and usage instructions please find here For more information on the GroupDocs HTML5 document Annotation, please visit our website.