Undefined variable $titleText when trying to add block

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Just purchased this add-on and I'm unable to use it.

Adding the block I get an error immediately.

Undefined variable $titleText.
/home/littlel9/public_html/packages/image_link_with_content/blocks/image_link_with_content/form.php(23): Whoops\Exception\ErrorException->null

Please advise. Screenshot attached.

Thank you.

1 Attachment

Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
try this attachment for hot fix

php 8 has some other things that affect this block. one being you will get an error if you add a link then delete the link. But this file should hopefully get it working for you in the mean time.

edit: working on a better version
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
try the updated file on the download page, version 1.7. let me know if it works for you
Way2Sharp4U replied on at Permalink Reply
v1.7 works! Thank you!

I just tried to add a link and then delete a link but did not get an error. Is there a specific order to make that error happen or do you think it's licked in v1.7?
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm still getting the error if I click "Choose Page", select a page, then press the x to delete the page. Still figuring that one out. The link works as it should if a page is selected and then saved though.
Way2Sharp4U replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Interesting. I haven't experienced this. I wonder what is happening on my setup that's different than yours. See the attached video demonstrating how it works for me.

I do know for other reasons I had been running various 'Tasks' on the site. Clearing out old page versions, full cache clearing, rescanning files, re-indexing the site, etc. I don't know if any of this would be related but I can't think of anything different that I have done.

Hopefully, you figure this one out. Otherwise, I'm good here. Working great. Thank you for the help and the add-on!
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
video attachment doesnt play for me. but glad everything is working for you. If you need anything else let me me know. Thanks again.

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