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I'm trying to set up the add-on in to our web page with your instructions over here:http://c5extras.com/instagram/get-token...

I've managed to do the phases 1-5 but, what does this mean:
"After the registration you will be given a Client ID and then use it to generate your Access Token above."

Now I've got this information from Instagram, so how do I generate the Access Token / what should I write to that field in your add-on? :

Client ID ------------------------------72
Client Secret 9------------------------------97
Website URL http://c5extras.com
Redirect URI http://c5extras.com/instagram/get-token...
Support Email paula@nonews.fi

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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nonews replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again,

Just read your previous replies and maybe got the answer. This add-on looks really cool on your sample site but I can't get it work. I have checked the codes and they should be ok.

Error message what I get is: Make sure that the Username, Client ID and Access Token are correct.

Is there anything I could try to do with this?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your message.

In November 2015 Instagram implemented a new authentication process which requires any new app integration (not just my plugin) to get approved by their team:
(see the blue box at the top of this page). There's now a few extra steps required to do that and you have to wait for their approval. Some folks have been getting it very quickly, others have waited a while - it's a bit hit and miss. But unfortunately it's controlled on Instagram's end.

Please let me know if that all makes sense.

TheArcaneFlame replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem as nonews. I apologize if this is a dumb question but I'm not sure if I understand what else needs to be done. I read through the blue box but it wasn't clear to me what else I needed to do in order to get this process initiated and get this all working.

Is it simply a matter of waiting for approval after authorizing your add-on per the original instructions or are there actually additional steps that we need to take?

Would you mind quickly walking us through the additional steps in order to get this working?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
In your IG developer account when you create a new "app" (using the instructions within my addon) there's a now an extra step to submit the app to IG for approval. This is all done on Instagram's website.

Hope this helps.

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