Affecting the css for calendar - items-calendar-list-view-title

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I am trying to affect the font style for the items list block - I see the reference when viewing source to items-calendar-list-view-title but can't seem to find this in any CSS file or PHP file.

Can you direct me to where I can edit the font and other styles so that the list view matches my design?

Thank you.


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ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
The calendar is actually generated in javascript so you won't see the markup anywhere in the block form. The calendar itself is based off of full calendar and is using 1.4.9 which was the last version before you had to set everything in javascript.

You can see the color stuff here:

but you might have to override it with an !important at the end of each of your element's css styles.

Thank you for the purchase :)

Scott Conrad
Web Application Engineer
jkincaid replied on at Permalink Reply
I am actually wanting to discover where to affect the size of the title of a calendar event. I'm able to affect the font by setting the font for the block. Is there a place in a javascript file that sets the font size? It looks like maybe part of it is set to <H1>

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure. Can you post this in the support area so I get credit for replying? Can you provide a link where i can look at it in firebug?


Scott Conrad
Web Application Engineer
jkincaid replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I post in "support". Is this support for your add-on?
jkincaid replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I post in "support". Is this support for your add-on?
jkincaid replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Actually - I figured this out.

I edited the “packages – blocks – scottc_items_calednar_list_view – view.php file and edited the “items-calendar-list-view-title” to remove the <H3> tag and replace it with a my styles

Thank you.

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