

Each Lightbox Gallery block can display either an individual image or a gallery of images. 

Displaying a single image:

  1. From the Lightbox Gallery block add interface, select the tab labeled “Single Image”
  2. Use the “Choose an Image” link to launch the Concrete5 File Manager.
  3. Either select an existing image (left click on the image and select “Choose”) or upload a new image to your site (using the “Choose File” button) then selecting.

    You can add a caption to the light box effect by adding a “Description” property to an image. Light box captions are displayed on the bottom-left of the light box.
  4. Once an image has been chosen, you can optionally set the thumbnail image dimensions. The thumbnail image dimensions will default to 100 x 100px if no dimensions are defined.
  5. Check the box next to “Crop thumbnails?” if you would like to crop the thumbnail image instead of scaling the original image.

    Cropped thumbnail images will display a representation of the original image that has been cropped (not scaled) to the specified thumbnail dimensions.

    If you choose not to crop the thumbnail images, the original image will be scaled down to the specified thumbnail size.
  6. Click “Add” to add the block.

Displaying a Gallery:

  1. From the Lightbox Gallery block add interface, select the tab labeled “Gallery (a.k.a. fileset)”
  2. You will be presented with a dropdown list of the available filesets that have been defined the filemanager.

    Instructions on how to manage filesets can be found here.
  3. Once fileset has been chosen, you can optionally set the thumbnail image dimensions. The thumbnail image dimensions will default to 100 x 100px if no dimensions are defined. Each individual image that is present in the fileset will be displayed in the fileset order as a thumbnail.
  4. Check the box next to “Crop thumbnails?” if you would like to crop the thumbnail image instead of scaling the original image.

    Cropped thumbnail images will display a representation of the original image that has been cropped (not scaled) to the specified thumbnail dimensions.

    If you choose not to crop the thumbnail images, the original image will be scaled down to the specified thumbnail size.
  5. Click “Add” to add the block.


  • Cropping thumbnails will maintain a consistent aspect ratio and create a cleaner look & feel for galleries.
  • The light box effect will display the original images in their actual size. It is a good idea to scale really big images to a manageable (but largish) size to maintain usability.