not sure if your add-on will work

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hi there, i need an add-on where users need to register and then the form will re-direct to a hidden page that only can be viewed if registered with a username and password, can your add-on do this, the screenshot is in another language so not sure if it will work, can you let me know before i buy this please. thanks

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Archived
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companyou replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Gordon,

You probably don't need this information anymore.
But this addon won't do this.
It can redirect you to another page of your choice. But it does not have a register option.
This is however a feature request i've heard before and will see if i can process this in a future version or add-on.

Sorry this answer took a while. I was away for some time, but i'm now back :D.

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