Additional Services

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Hi there, I would be really interested to know if you have any plans to add any additional services to this addon. Specifically the Google G Suite as this is what I presently use and would love to continue to use?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for contacting me, I'm always interested in feedback and suggestions to improve this add-on or add extra features. I'm not familiar with G- Suite however. This add-on provides transactional email services using apis. As far as I could see, G-Suite does not provide this service.

To understand your question better; what exactly you would want to do with G-Suite in your Concrete websites?
tiafelicita replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

I am so sorry for the late reply on this, I thought I had email setup to notify me but that was not the case and I once again stumbled across your add-on!

I was curious to know if you could integrate the Gsuite, gmail because me and my "business" partners currently use the services of Gsuite including the email. However, we feel that our current setup is over complicated and we're also using sendgrid to send out emails from the server when a user registers, gets a delivery notification etc. and at the sametime paying additional for the services of sendgrid.

In essence we were wanting to have all mails sent via Gsuite gmail to both simplify and cut costs a little.

Kind regards and again, sorry for such a late reply!
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply

I see your problem. I checked out GSuite's documentation and there's an API
for Gmail. They have an sdk but I can't use it in combination with Concrete
5, so I'll do some research to see if I can write a script. I'll get back
to you once I know more.

On Sun, May 13, 2018, 21:50 concrete5 Community <>
tiafelicita replied on at Permalink Reply
ooh, fingers crossed that it's possible to get working in Concrete. I really hope so and I look forward to your findings! - Thank you. :)
Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi hemiipatu ,

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you; I was busy working on a new version of the package and implementing Doctrine ORM which was rather complicated for a number of reasons.

I just released it and I then I had a look at the GSuite documentation for sending emails using their api. In theory it is possible, but adding that option to this package, or to Concrete5 in general is rather challenging because it requires using their php library which can be found here: It has a number of composer dependencies. There's a big drawback to using it because packages for Concrete5 should not include 3rd party code. It could conflict with existing libraries used by Concrete and cause the website or parts of it to crash.

So I'm afraid it's not an option to add Gmail. I'll dive into it a little further and see if they have basic curl examples somewhere but I don't think I can cover it was a few lines of code as there's quit a lot going on such as api scopes and authentication. I would basically be writing a new client library and that also comes with a high level of maintenance once Google changes their api.

I could release it as a separate package with a caution that 3rd party libraries are included. I'll start researching that. I'll let you know it that looks promising.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
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opcache.max_wasted_percentage - 5

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