Sing-up block is the Achilles' heel of this Add-on

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I got very excited when I found the add-on for mailchimp in the concrete5 marketplace; however, pretty quickly my happines turn into frustation when I realized how poor and obsolete the singup block is. The form this block inserts lacks completely on user usability... the validation instead of using ajax reloads the whole page, which can be a HUGE turn off for the visitor because the only way to realize that there was an error is by scrolling down(if the form is below the fold). In addition the form completely disappears, so even if the user notices the error he/she then have to click the back button on the browser to be able to fill up the form again and give it another try. Way too complicated for a user that is not tech-savvy.

I have been doing a lot of research and it seems a lot of people have noticed these downfalls, but there is no feedback or response from the developers. I understand the block is FREE, so responding back is not a priority. But I would say that improving and updating this block can be very beneficial for many even if we have to pay for the block.

The whole back end and the integration with C5 is great, but please keep in mind if nobody sings-up because the sign-up block just does not work, who I am going to send campaigns too??? this a major issue and should be address ASAP!!

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Status: New
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RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
see support ticket.


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