After upgrade Megamenu loses formatting

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I am running V of Concrte5 and have just upgraded Megamenu to 1.1.4. Now my main horizontal menu has lost its formatting and displays as bulleted list items. I have had to overwrite with the old Megamenu version in order to correct this.

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Please have a read of the bottom of the marketplace listing:
It describes what has changed in 1.1.4 and how it affects you if you've created a custom skin in a previous version. Just follow those instructions and you should be fine.

Hope this helps.

piccolopete replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks JB but I'm using the White slin as supplied, not a custom one.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
The CSS class names have changed in 1.1.4, so the only way the formatting could be not showing is:
1) The C5 cache needs to be cleared (from the Dashboard);
2) Some files from the new version haven't been uploaded correctly - try re-uploading them;
3) A custom block template could be used which has the old class names; or
4) If the white skin's CSS file has been copied into the site theme CSS file.

If these things don't help get a solution for your situation, can you please provide a link so I can take a closer look for you?


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