Can you set font & size

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We have 9 categories for our top NAV. Mega Menu splits the top nav to a second level because the font is too big. Is there a way to adjust the font and text size so we could fit all 9 categories across without dropping down a level?

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

It looks like a stylesheet conflict. Can you send me a link where you installed this add-on?

PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, I've had this happen before too...

Does Mega Menu somehow re-adjust its padding left and right of each list item to be able to fit more menu items across the page, or do you have to do it manually through css?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

That should be calculated by Mega Menu but there are times that the padding/margin is being set by your themes' css so you might wanna check the styles for <ul> and <li> tags.

Do you have a url which I can look at and perhaps point the conflict to you?


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