Mega Menu Line Length customisation issue?

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Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know how to make the line length of mega menu drop downs longer / wider by a few pixels?

I have a drop down menu title that consists of three words and the third word keeps dropping a line, instead of staying in the same line (see attached screen shot).

Many thanks in advance for your help and input!

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alex,
Off the top of my head there is a div or ul element which has the width of the dropdown applied to it. So there would be a simple CSS tweak to make it wider.

The other option is to just shorten your long page name so it doesn't wrap around. It looks like the text is justified by your theme rather than left aligned.

If you can't find the line in the CSS file just let me know and I'll look it up on Monday.

Hope this helps.

topprojects replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear JB,

many thanks for your reply and help. I have decided to shorten the page name, as you suggested.

With kind regards,

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