Need to change color of non-hovered items in dropdown

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When I first set up Mega Menu, using a custom skin, both the parent and all items in the dropdown would take on the hover style when any of these items was hovered. I messaged the developer who told me to take out this selector in the CSS: .jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh li.mega-hover a. When I did this, only the hovered item would take on the hover style, but the rest of the items become a dark gray when any of the other items is hovered. I'm not sure where this color is coming from. Any clues how to change the color on these? Many thanks!

Also, I would like to reduce the spacing between submenu items. Does anyone know where to change this in the CSS?

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

You might want to use developer tools to easily identify which css rule to modify this might help

drconsolidated replied on at Permalink Reply
I've done this, without any luck. I can't find the hover styles in developer tools. I've pored over the custom code, and I just can't seem to figure out why the parent item and sibling items become dark gray when a submenu item is hovered.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

If you go to your custom css look for this rule
.jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh li.mega-hover a, .jbmm.custom ul.mega-menuh li a:hover
and remove the

Hope that helps.


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