Upgraded to 1.1.6. My custom skin lost most of its formatting.

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Hi there,

Just upgraded to 1.1.6. My custom skin is more or less gone. Any help?


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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, if you were using a version prior to 1.1.4 then the class names changed - there's a message the bottom of the marketplace listing (http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/mega-menu/) describing this. It's also mentioned when downloading the package.

If you simply replaced the built-in "custom.css" file (instead of copying that code to your theme's CSS file), then updating the package will overwrite the custom.css file and you'll lose your changes (which is why I recommend copying it to your theme's CSS file).

Depending on which 2 of the above scenarios you're in, these will be the solutions.

Hope this helps.

juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
I purchased the add-on on July 31. I'm not sure what version that would've been. Controller.php says:

protected $pkgHandle = 'jb_megamenu';
protected $appVersionRequired = '5.2.0';
protected $pkgVersion = '1.1.4';

I copied the code from custom.css into my css file as per instructions. I also renamed custom.css in the packages directory to custom-OLD.css so there wouln't be any confusion.

The css in my file reads mega-menuh (ie: .custom ul.mega-menuh li .sub-container.non-mega .sub)

I've got a white background with a drop shadow and 2 rounded corners on it in the drop downs that wasn't there in my custom skin.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Ah, if that is what has changed, then that would be caused by the most recent update. To improve jQuery support we changed the submenu formatting. It no longer uses a large background image (white) to create the background colour and rounded corners. It now uses a plain background colour (CSS) and CSS3 rounded corners (with IE support). So if you wished to change the background colour of the submenu you can do that now via the editor interface.

The background colour and rounded corners CSS code is generated from the controller.php file for the block. If you want to remove that, just edit the controller.php between lines 260 and 267 and delete those lines.

Your feedback is helpful and we'll add in a few extra options in the next version so the background colour, shadow and rounded corners can be turned off via the editor interface so no editing of the controller.php would be required.

Hope this helps.

juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
That seems to have worked, thanks. I think it would be good to be able to turn that stuff off.

As an aside, I also think it would be helpful to have a pared down custom.css with some commenting to point out class functions.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great to hear, thanks for your feedback. I'll ensure additional comments get added with the next version.

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