Building the 3 level menu with headings

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Can you direct me on how to build the menu like I have attached to this email?

I am trying to create my second level nav's as headings, and 3rd level as the links, exactly as the attachment shows but can't figure out how to do this. A short screencast would be super helpful!

Thank you.

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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, I'll be happy to help.

If you have a look at the product page on my site:

I mentioned there are 4 page attributes installed with Mega Menu. The one you're looking for is called "Don't link in navigation".

So, in Sitemap, find the page you want to make a second level heading, click on it and choose "attributes". Then find "Don't link in navigation" and check the box next to that.
Here's some articles that mention attributes:

Repeat that process for any other pages that you want to be second level headings (and not linked).

Depending on your caching settings, it would be a good idea to clear the site cache in the dashboard in case anything doesn't look quite right.

Hope this helps.

conc5fan replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great, it worked well. Thanks!
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad to hear. Happy to help wherever I can.


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