mega menu drop-down box

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Has anyone had trouble with users not realizing they need to double-click the main header menu to see the full page when there is one-sub level below it on a mobile device? I am worried they won't know to 'double click' to get that part and only click on the sub-level below it ....

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I've used this plugin on a number of my sites without any problems or negative feedback from users. Do you have a live URL where you're using the menu so I can see how it's operating just in case there are any other factors that could be affecting its performance?

Pamrights2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, on a mobile device, when you click or tap on the 'wellness' menu, that page doesn't come up as it does on a laptop, only the drop-down box is displayed. With the laptop, the page and drop-down box is displayed.

The site;... tap the wellness menu. My only thought is the user won't realize to double-click the wellness menu to see the articles/blogs for that page.

For me, and watching others I know navigate my site, I'd guess they'd miss it (not realize a double-tap is needed.)
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I see what you're describing, and that is by design. On a mobile device there is no such event as a "hover" (like on a desktop) because there's no mouse. So instead, tapping the menu item can only produce 1 action - the first time it initiates the drop-down. And tapping it again will click the actual link.

There are 2 options in the editing interface which can control this behaviour. Here's a screenshot:

Optionally you could uncheck the "Redirect On 2nd click/tap" field.

It's useful to know there are 2 custom page attributes that are created when you install the package. These control what happens to the top nav link. From the sitemap, you can click on a page and search the attributes with "mega menu" in them to find 2 checkboxes "Replace link with first child in Mega Menu" and "Replace link with parent page in Mega Menu". Here's a screenshot of the custom attributes:

To get the result you're specifically after, I'd suggest creating a page alias for "Wellness" under the existing "Wellness" page. This is done in the Sitemap by dragging the Wellness page elsewhere on the sitemap, and choosing to create a "alias", then drag that alias back onto the existing "Wellness" page. Here's an example of what I did on my development site:

This should give you the outcome you're after, so there's another "Wellness" page in the submenu for users to click.

Hope this feedback helps.

Pamrights2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, I see. I did the alias, and it works just as I'd like it to. Thanks so much for the feedback!
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great to hear, happy to help.

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