

Mobile Home requires Pretty URLs which can be managed via Dashboard > System & Settings > Pretty URLs.


After installing Mobile Home, there is only really one setting needed before things run automatically. That setting is the destination page which can be configured via Dashboard > Mobile Home > Options.

The destination page is the location that your selected device type visitors will get automatically redirected to when they visit your site. Likewise, any non-selected devices which accidentally stumble upon the destination page will be redirected back to the home page.

Redirecting to Another Domain

Mobile Home will happily redirect to any page in your concrete5 Sitemap. That means you can add an External Link to your sitemap and then go to Dashboard > Mobile Home > Options and choose that newly created location as your redirect destination.

The downside to redirecting to another domain (or sub domain) is that the other domain won't have the logic to automatically redirect full clients back to the main site. Well not unless the other domain is also running concrete5 and has its own copy of Mobile Home installed.

Allowing Visitors to Choose a Preferred Experience

Once configured, Mobile Home handles redirecting visitors automatically based on their device type. You can go one step further and allow your visitors to specify which experience they prefer by placing a Mobile Home block or the links below anywhere on your site.

<a href="?mobile_home=full">View Full Site</a>

<a href="?mobile_home=mobile">View Mobile Site</a>

If you are using the Mobile Home block it will automatically display the correct link so you don't have to worry about anything else.

If you are using the HTML links then the most common scenario will be to have the "View Full Site" link displayed in the footer on your mobile page(s) while the "View Mobile Site" link will live in the footer of your non-mobile pages.

The Mobile Home block and HTML links will work in just about any location so feel free to get creative!

SEO Bonus Points

Setting up mobile optimized location in your site is one of the best strategies to ensure a great experience for your visitors. The other is responsive design but that is a topic for another add-on!

The only problem with having mobile optimized content is that it's usually very similar to or even a copy of existing content. This can be bad for SEO but luckily it can be fixed with two easy tweaks.

SEO Tweak One

Making sure Google and other search engines don't find your mobile page(s) is step one. To do that navigate to your page and choose Edit > Properties > Custom Attributes. Now add and enable "Exclude From Nav", "Exclude From Page List", "Exclude From Search Index" and "Exclude From sitemap.xml". Hit save and then repeat the process for any sub pages for good measure.

SEO Tweak Two

If Google or another search engine still happens to find your mobile page(s) you'll want to make sure they know not to index it. Doing that is accomplished by adding a line to the robots.txt file in the root of your concrete5 install. For example, if our mobile page was located at /mobile we would add the following line to our robots.txt file.

Disallow: /mobile

This tells search engines not to index that location or any of its sub directories. Easy ya!

Behind the Scenes

Mobile Home uses the excellent MobileESP to figure out which clients are on which devices.

In the very rare case you that run into a client that isn't detected properly then please submit a support request via the Mobile Home page on the concrete5 Marketplace. With any luck your issue may become an improvement to MobileESP which in turn will help improve Mobile Home. :)