Font colour

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Is there a way of changing the font colour of the page title and page description when using the Thumbnail page list grid? At present the page title appears clear with white font over grey background when you hover over a thumbnail, but the page description is hardly visible because the font colour nearly matches the background grey. Alternately is it possible to change the background on the hover and the opacity?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Roger!

Try adding the following custom CSS. You can paste this into your CSS file if you're using a custom theme, or you can simply click on the Gear Icon in the toolbar, select Design -> Theme -> Customize, and paste the following code into the Custom CSS area:

.mbt-container div.ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-mbt-grid-title h4 {
   color: #000;
/* MBT THUMBNAIL GRID - Description */
.mbt-container div.ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-mbt-grid-thumbnail-title {
   color: #000;
/* MBT THUMBNAIL GRID - Background */
.mbt-container div.ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-mbt-grid-thumbnail-hover {
   background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);

The first color is for the title, the second color is for the description, and the third color is for the background.

Simply replace the color values with any color you want.

With the above values, this code should make the text color black and the background white.

You'll see the two first colors are Hex values and the last one is an RGBA value (where the last number if for the opacity, from 0 to 1).

Let me know if you have any other questions,

RogerM replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi
Many thanks for your speedy response. Your code works great apart from changing the page description font colour. The title font colour and background colour change just like you said. It's so close!!!
Many thanks.
Best regards
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Roger!

Can you try the following code for the description:

/* MBT THUMBNAIL GRID - Description */
.mbt-container div.ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-mbt-grid-thumbnail-title p {
   color: #000;

This should work. If it does not, could you send a link to your website so I can have a look?


RogerM replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi
Yes that did the trick. Brilliant - thank you.
Best regards

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