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Prizm Cloud Document Viewer

Prizm Cloud is a document viewer that enables you to display hundreds of different kinds of files on your website without worrying about whether your visitors have the software to view them and without installing any additional hardware or software. The document files stay on your server, so you can update, edit and change them anytime. Prizm Cloud supports more than 300 file types, including DOC, PDF, PPT, XLS and CAD.

New in 1.1: Slideshow feature - display your documents in a slideshow

This plugin adds a block of type prizmcloud_docs_viewer. 

Please check out the documentation for installation instructions and how-to's.

You will need to sign up for a Prizm Cloud account, but don't worry, there is a free account.

Please visit prizmcloud.com for more information about Prizm Cloud, for our community and for the demo.

Note for people downloading on a local server: Prizm Cloud requires the document to be public (on a live server) meaning if you test on a local machine, the viewer will not be able to see your document. However, once your site is made live everything will work out!

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