Modifying view of ProForms List

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I am looking for a way to modify the view of the proforms list block. I have doe similar with a page list before to create a google map with points using page attributes. i was hoping to try something similar with proforms.
Basically I wanted to output a json string of entries and use this data with some JS files or something like google visualize api.
So something like this (but this is a page list)
$addresses = array();
foreach ($pages as $page):
    $title = $th->entities($page->getCollectionName());
    $url = $nh->getLinkToCollection($page);
    $lat = $page->getAttribute('lat');
    $long = $page->getAttribute('long');
    if ($lat && $long) {
        $position = 'latLng: ['.$lat.', '.$long .']';
        $addresses[] = '{'.$position .', data:'.json_encode($url). '}';
endforeach; ?>

I suppose the perfect scenario would be to use the block as it is, use filters etc it has and then a custom view that makes it look the way I want.
Just wondering if anyone has done something like this or if there is a sample floating around I could learn from, or if there is a bare bones way of getting a list?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Pro Forms (7.6.2).

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