Changing the paypal landing page

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is there anyway to change the landing page when it goes to paypal to show the pay by other methods first instead of the pay by paypal account?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm missing something. What other payment methods?? This is specifically for PayPal.
RoninIT replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Michael

Thanks for the reply, if you take a look at the picture attached you'll see what i mean.
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
Gotcha - sorry but I think that's out of our control.

Would being able to directly accept credit card payments on your website be of interest instead? We've considered building this same block but with or stripe.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
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# concrete5 Packages
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# Server API

# PHP Version

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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2334.0 Safari/537.36

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