Internet Explorer issues

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Hi we have set up your quiz on an existing quiz, and the functionality of setting up quizzes etc is great however we have had some teething problems which you will hopefully be able to help us with.

We have had numerous users come back to us stating that they cannot use the quiz? now unfortunately this users tend to be using older browsers.

Basically the Quiz does not seem to be working in IE 9 and downwards. Ideally we would need to have ie8 support as well. Now we have done some tests on your Live Demo and we are getting the same problem as we are having? is there a fix for this issue? The error which comes up is:

Unable to get property 'firstChild' of undefined or null reference

This is the same error as we are getting on our site.

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Status: Resolved
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Beardev replied on at Permalink Reply

I have sent your request to our developer.

Don't promise much really as it goes to supporting outdated browsers but let us check the problem first. If we find a quick solution we will update the code so it works for old versions of IE as well.

Will get back shortly.
simonknibbs replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dmitry

Can you please let us know as soon as possible, as this is currently a live piece of functionality, which we did not realise was not working on these older browsers. Our client is hassling us for a possible fix, otherwise we are going to have to look into paying external developers to come in and fix/polypill the code for these older browsers.

Regards Simon
Beardev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Simon!

OK, no problem. Will ask to make the quick decision.
You will have the answer within 24 hours.

Beardev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Simon,

Looks like it will take a bit more time than promised. Sorry. Developer need to finalize current task. I'll post the answer here once I have.

Beardev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Simon,

I have sent the fix in private message. We wouldn't charge extra as it was not too complicated one.

Please let me know if that fixes the IE old versions. We will update the package on public if so.


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