map is off

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I add an image map to an image then I center the image on the page and the image map is off. I have also tried adding the centering before doing the image map work and no luck. Any ideas?

Joaquin Valdez

Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Joaquin,

this can happen when you place the block in an area that is wider than the image you are using.

As a quick fix:
- try adding a layout, and place the block in a column
- or, use a larger image (even if you just have to upsize it)

If neither of those approaches work, I look to make an update to the add-on to make this easier to manage, or I can send you a custom template.

joaquinvaldez replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! Yes, I did the layout thing just as a test and it did work. I think an update would be good for others, but that is just my opinion.

I appreciate your response.

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Joaquin,

I've just taken a look at the block again, and when I used a smaller image I didn't hit the issue you described. It does appear to have the code in place to limit the width of the overlay.

I'm wondering if you have a link I could look at as an example? Just to see what styles are in play.
joaquinvaldez replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure here is the link.

I added the block with the mappings, then disable the grid container and the mappings are off.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the link - I can see what has caused this issue, it's specifically when the image is aligned center.

I've put in a very minor adjustment to address this, and I've pushed up version 1.3.4 of the add-on. You should see that as an available update.
joaquinvaldez replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! Yes the update seemed to have fixed things for me. I appreciate your attention to this issue. Have a great day!

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