RCOA on slideshow and map

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Is it possible to put rcoa on the built in slide show? Or the google map? If so, I have tried to figure out what the class is by looking with the Google Chrome Inspector, but typing that in is not working. Are there any other instructions other than C5 Performance?

thank you,


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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Christa,
That's an interesting question. The Rounded Corners add-on uses the built-in CSS3 support if it's available (eg. Firefox, Chrome, Safari), otherwise it will use the "CANVAS" object to created the rounded corners (eg. Internet Explorer). In particular for IE, this process is done as the page is loaded, so it will depend on how the slideshow is created as to weather it will work on all slides, or just the first one.

I'm guessing you're talking about the Concrete5 "Slideshow" add-on. If it is use the ".slideImgWrap" class selector for rounding. If that doesn't work, try ".slideImgWrap div" as it's actually another DIV inside an outer one which contains a background image (that you see as the slideshow).

Hope this helps.

If that works for you, I'd greatly appreciate a positive review in the C5 marketplace:

Hg80Media replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The second suggestion worked, but the results are kind of strange, as the curve seems lopsided :-). I am attaching a jpg of the slideshow so you can see what I mean - I used a curve of 20px

Hg80Media replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
ooops forgot the attachement
Hg80Media replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, when I have it in edit mode the corners are perfectly rounded????
buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jb1,

I purchased this addon to get rounded corners on my slideshow too.
I't working great... except in IE8... Do you have a solution for this? Otherwise i could do this without the addon by just adding a corner radius in my own css styles.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for purchasing the add-on. If you have a new question, it's best to open a new support request.

You'll notice in the marketplace listing, it mentions that the rounded corners don't work on images due to limitations in IE:

However, it can be used on DIV tags with an image background. Depending on what type of slideshow you're using, you may be able to use RCOA if it uses background images.

Hope this helps.

buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jb,

Thanks for the quick reply, and sorry for posting on an existing request. But i thought it would be best because it's the same issue.

Christa states the using the class ".slideImgWrap div" works, so i thought using this too.
But for me it doesn't work...

Anyway, i can use this addon on another project. Pitty it's not working on the core slideshow though.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're able to send through the URL where you've installed it I can take a quick look and suggest the CSS selector to use (if the slideshow is using a background image).

buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, that would be really great!
I'm using the core-slideshow, so it is using a background image. This is the url of my testing server:
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
You've got the right selector. The problem is jQuery 1.6.x. The original RCOA script was designed for an older version of jQuery and the newsiest version breaks it unfortunately. I've checked with the original developer of the script and they've seemed to have dropped off the planet.

So I've checked around and there's 1 new script which does the job. It will take a little time to re-create the RCOA package around this. But in the meantime, you can see how it works at:

Please allow a few days for this, I'll get started on it on Monday next week.

Thanks for your patience.

buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! I have patience, still developing the site anyway.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your patience. I've just uploaded v1.3 to the marketplace, so if you download it again you'll have a brand new rounding engine that works in IE (it doesn't use Javascript anymore so it works fine with jQuery 1.6) PLUS it now also rounded images (not just DIV tags with background images).


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