Changing "Sermon" title

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I was wondering if there could be a way to use this add-on for some other function other than sermon uses. I purchased the add-on because it was exactly what I was looking for but for the use of Board Meetings. We will in the future be offering recordings of boarding meetings but also include audio and minutes. So as you can see the setup is perfect for this. I don't want to dig in your code to change it without your permission or if possible add into the plugin the option to change the title.

Thank you

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
That's a clever use for this add-on. It would be very easy to change the text around and you're obviously free to modify the code as you see fit. If you need help trying to get that done, shoot me an email to I'd be glad to help with anything you need. If you ever don't find anything in the market place I'm sure we could whip something up for you as well.
jmnino replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for allowing me to edit the add-on. Can't to see what other goodies you will bring to marketplace.
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
Not a problem. Let us know if you need any assistance. Don't forget to leave a review!
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply
I have a similar need, and think this add-on would be perfect for classes, retreats, and other kinds of situations where we provide an audio or video series plus handouts, etc. for participants. So the "sermons" label doesn't actually fit. I think the term "series" is fine, and then just plain "audio," "video" and "documents" would be generic enough as labels. Then the user could add "class" or "meeting" or "lecture" as needed. I think this could be great for the education market! Should I email you for services to make the changes? I think it would be safer for us as I am not a PHP expert.
This is a great add-on!

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