Simple Testimonials Block - CSS format of Pagination not working with this theme

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I'm kinda caught in the middle on this one, not sure who's fault it is, the theme or the add-on. I have used the Simple Testimonial add-on on other themes successfully, but when I installed it on the Peak Parallax theme, the pagination doesn't format correctly. I'm sure it must be due to conflicting or missing CSS code, but can't seem to locate it. Do you have any idea why?

Here's a link to the page:
login to view with ID: demo PW: review

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the delay in replying.
Try installing version 1.1 and see what happens

This is a a rewrite so hopefully fix any bugs on the add-on.
Delete the hw_simple_testimonials folder from the package directory and upload the new version. This will clean out any unnecessary files.

Let me know how it goes.

Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
I worked with the theme designer on this issue as well and we determined that his theme was not Bootstrap ready and your add-on needed the Bootstrap files to work. So, I tracked down the CSS needed and added it in. It is working now, so I hate to mess with it. But, when I get an opportunity, I'll back it up and try your update. Thanks for the effort!

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