Facebook feed

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Great addon, not many like this out there.
Anyways, I just bought it and got the twitter connected easily. But I'm having trouble with Facebook feed.. I don't know what else to try anymore, I've triple checked everything I could think of but then again I'm a bit noobie with the stuff as I'm more of a graphics guy.

I did input the Access Token, App secret and App Token as adviced in the guide but it just wont download the facebook feed. Any thoughts ?

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daimon replied on at Permalink Reply

Getting a bit frustrated.

Is there anything that you might have missed to mention in the guide about facebook, something that might be obvious for you but not the likes like me? Like of App Platform / App Domains that should be added (tried those too but didn't help).

What about "This app is in development mode and can only be used by app admins, developers and testers" under the app name, does it need to be approved to public ?

I don't see anything that I might have done differently apart having my own ID/Secret/Token and API 2.11 (yours 2.8 in the ss).
Kuuki replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi daimon! Did you find any solution to the problem? I'm having the same problem and I guess the problem is the new version of the Facebook API. Very frustrating.
daimon replied on at Permalink Reply
No luck, I presume so as well. Would be nice to get a reply from the dev.
At this point I have to consider refunding this as Facebook is the most important feed for the site I'm working.
robperin replied on at Permalink Reply
Same problem here. Twitter loads up and displays, Facebook never shows any posts.
daimon replied on at Permalink Reply
Starting to think it's a facebook API issue then and they've changed something crucial again (I don't get it why Facebook whishes to make things so difficult to share - their own feed embed code results in such a crap-box).

Would be great to get an answer from ESF dev though is it possible to get it fixed ?

edit: and looking at the ESF live demo, it's working but the facebook posts there haven't been updated for 3 months...
dovydas replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tested with 2.11 and it works. Can someone PM me your keys I will check.
dovydas replied on at Permalink Reply
Pushed version 1.1.1 which updates FB API. It should work now.
daimon replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks :) Works great now.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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cash4clothes replied on at Permalink Reply
What solved this problem? I don't see an answer.

I am have same issue of feed not showing up.

I followed the Facebook API instructions to the letter and even created a second app while walking through your guide.

I've input App ID, App Secret, App Access Token and my User ID found with findmyfbid.com.

No feed is showing up when I publish. I want my personal Facebook Social Feed to load to my website so it can interact with other apps I am using. These apps have nothing to do with how this app should function but I see no feed.

When I set up the new app to get my numbers there is a line that says;
This app is in development mode and can only be used by app admins, developers and testers. Does it have to be public? I'm not creating a game, just want my feed to show.
Kuuki replied on at Permalink Reply
dovydas updated the plugin to version 1.1.1 which updated FB API. My feed/app is using API version 2.11 in Facebook.

The app doesn't have to be public in Facebook.
cash4clothes replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the follow-up response.

I do have version 1.1.1 of the Easy social Feed add-on and Facebook API is 2.11.

I have the Feed installed here:http://cashforclothesomaha.com/index.php/shop-now...

The feed that is showing is their Facebook Business Page.

On the same link above I also set up up per the instructions to show their personal feed but it's not aggregating anything from it. Are there settings on their Facebook Personal Account we need to change to get this to work?
Kuuki replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I don't have answer for this. Only been using the plugin for business pages.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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