Facebook share count issue resloved URL

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I was finding that the social share button count for facebook was stuck on 1.1k
As much as i like to dream that just wasn't the right count.

The actual url used in facebook button share was of the raw "index.php?cid=" variety.

I think it should be changed to the real url as facebook likes natural url or encoded urls. So on skybluesofa_social_share/view.php line 249 i changed this:
if ($sharedNetwork['url']) {
                                 echo ' data-href="' . $sharedNetwork['url'] . '"';

if ($sharedNetwork['url']) {
  echo ' data-href="' . $sbsss_pageURL . '"';

NB '$sbsss_pageURL' is set n the controller
Now the count works ok and the shared url is the pretty one

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
I've updated the controller to assign the current page url to $sharedNetwork['url'] when a web address isn't explicitly given in the block settings.

I'll be pushing the update later today.

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