fancybox gallery hover over text

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I am trying to get my title's when in "over" to only appear when I hover. Site that looks like the makers of fancybox came up with the following code to do it.

   'titlePosition'   :   'over',
   'onComplete'   :   function() {
      $("#fancybox-wrap").hover(function() {
      }, function() {

So....where for the love of all that is good in the coding world does this little bit go in this concrete 5 version. I am self taught when it comes to any coding and usually can figure out problems on my own but I throw the towel in when its been 5 hours and the sun is rising behind me. Any ideas? (blows my mind that out of three pages of questions on this addon, not one actually hits this issue yet..."BREAKING NEW GROUND")

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foxhallhomes replied on at Permalink Reply
First off so you know where I got some of this info to do hover.

Ok so I dug down deep, found my inner coder and I think we worked this issue out. So I remembered that my nav bar does the same thing but basically was a giant style sheet. This made me think the same sort of code should apply to the text I'm trying to make hover (spent half my night in php files which look so right at first but are not where this code ought to go). So I looked around on my style sheet (packages/sortable_fancybox_gallery/blocks/sortable_fancybox_gallery/fancybox)and looked for where the title "over" was located. After some trial and error, I got the text vanish or be "hidden":

.fancybox-title-over {
   color: #FFF;
   text-align: left;
#fancybox-title-over {
   padding: 10px;
   background-image: url(images/fancy_title_over.png);
   display: block;

Now the hard to make it appear again. Trick here is to read the first bit of code I posted that mentioned that you draw from some object with the name "fancybox-wrap" in it. So if "wrap" is the thing you hover over to find the object, then like a nav bar, the text should appear again if I write what's hovered and what should appear:

#fancybox-wrap :hover #fancybox-title-over{visibility:visible; }

Now if you want to push your luck, read the code further down we are working with and you can actually assign where on the picture the hover works. I'm not gonna do it since viewers may not realize to hover like that (its sad we live in a world where I have to consider that issue).

Its a bit of a rant so I'm sorry but I think this is important to know if you want to use fancybox in concrete 5.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, buddy. You just helped me figure out something totally unrelated to Fancybox (showing Pagelist Titles when hovering over the thumbnail)

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