Use ONE icon instead of thumbnail to laucnh gallery

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I am looking for a gallery block that will display a series of images exactly like what c5 uses on their marketplace page. For example, if you go to: and select the "view screenshots" icon, a series of images is displayed. That is exactly what I am looking for. However all of the gallery blocks I have looked at require all of the images to be displayed on the page. I don't want ANY of them displayed and instead want to use ONE icon EXACTLY as c5 does on their addon page. The folks at c5 recommended the sortable fancybox gallery and suggest I contact you with the above question. Again, the only thing the sortable fancybox doesn't do is allow me to use ONE image/icon (not a thumbnail of one of the images in the gallery). How would I go about customizing this block to do that? Or is their another block you recommend? Thanks!

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately there's no easy way to make the Sortable Fancybox Gallery do what you want because it is entirely based on the assumption that the thumbnails are generated from the larger images. To customize it to behave differently would require a lot of work (perhaps as much as starting from scratch). I don't happen to know of another addon in the marketplace that does what you're wanting to do.

If you decide to tackle this on your own, here's how to make fancybox show more than one image per thumbnail:

Best of luck.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I was able to whip up a very basic solution for this -- might not do everything you need but at least is a good start:

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